Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I. . . have not updated in a while holy cow. It's been kinda hectic lately. School ju
st started and I'm actually uber excited. Talking about food all day in my classes? Yes please.

I haven't really made much lately, especially since my camera is still in it's state and I have yet to buy another one.
Also since I cross stitch and I wanted to finish what I was doing before school started
(didn't happen)

But I did make two things recently. My roommate gave me some stuff to bake with and asked if I'd make caramels with it. So I did. . .

I don't think I boiled the mixture long enough, because they didn't harden to the right consistency. They tasted good, but weren't hard enough. =(

I also make homemade Reeses and had so much peanut butter mixture left over that I just made a giant one.

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